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11th Sunday after Pentecost.
Tone 2. Epistle: 1. Cor 9, 2-12.
Gospel: Matthew 18, 23-35.

Today’s Gospel from St Matthew concerns our need to forgive one another. Without forgiveness on our part, God cannot forgive us.

St. Martyr Agathonicus; St. Bishop Gorazd of Parague.

The Martyr Agathonicus, because he converted pagans to Christ, was seized in Nicomedia, violently beaten, and beheaded in Selyvria, during the reign of Maximian, in the year 298.

During World War II, St. Gorazd took full responsibility for protecting the patriots after the Nazi overlords found them in the crypt of the cathedral. This act guaranteed his execution, thus his martyrdom, during the reprisals that followed.

Schedule of the Services
Sunday, September 11, 2016- THE BEHEADING OF ST. JOHN- Divine Liturgy at 10 AM.

Fr. Mile is in Serbia. Fr. Stojiljko Kajevic (815) 302-0718 will substitute on week days. Fr. Petar Sailovic (847) 736-2337 will substitute for Sunday services.

Church School
Church School begins on Sept. 11, 2016. Welcome Picnic will be held on Sept. 18, 2016. Please register on time. Curriculum materials are being furnished.

Kolo Slava
OHR Kolo Sestara will celebrate their Slava on Sept. 21. Luncheon will be held following the Divine Liturgy and cutting of Kolac in the Church Hall.

Please donate a candle for Health or In Memory. The price for either one is $20.00.

We pray for the health and salvation for the servants of God:
MirkŠ° Ivanisevic, Slobodan (Mike) Pavlovic, Zorica Jovanovic, Jelena Opsenica, Dimitrije Micic, Velimir Majdov, Slavica Kostic Prostran, Miroslav Nikolic, and Dragan Kainovic.

We pray for the repose of the souls of the servants of God:
+Milenko Vuckovich, and +Stevan Stojanovic.


Author admin

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